

Below is a list of events, from 2016 on.
  • June 17-21 2024, Toulouse (France):
    Invited Session organizer at RL4SN Informs conference "Challenges and progresses in Statistical Reinforcement Learning"
  • May 16 2024, Tournai (Belgium):
    Invitation W'Happy Digital Day "IA et Agroécologie".
  • April 24 2024, Montpellier (France):
    Invitation Table Ronde DigitAgora "Le numérique en agriculture".
  • Mar 12 2024, Lille (France):
    Presentation to students from Lycée Horticole Lomme.
  • Dec 06 2023, Lille (France):
    Table ronde "Decision making in a uncertain environment", organized for all master students of graduate programs of Université de Lille.
  • Oct 08 2023, Palaiseau (France):
    Speaker at Ecole Polytechnique Executive Master.
  • July 20, 2023, Lyon (France):
    Referee for the PhD thesis of Antoine Barrier.
  • June 05-07, 2023, Montpellier (France):
    Invited talk at PMSMA conference.
  • May 24 2023, Palaiseau (France):
    Speaker at Ecole Polytechnique, International Executive Master.
  • May 2023, Lille (France):
    Hiring committee for McF position at Université de Lille.
  • April 2023, Valencia (Spain):
  • February 2023, France:
    Interview on Inria website about agroecology project.
  • February 02, 2023, France:
    Top 10% reviewer for AISTATS 2023.
  • September 2022, Toulouse (France):
    Project Inria-Inrae Three Risk-proof RL at Inrae Toulouse.
  • June 2021, France:
    Invited chair at CNIA, Invited speaker at JFPDA.
  • May 2021, France:
    Jury for the hiring process of the Mathnum department at Inrae.
  • March 2021, Lille (France):
    My PhD student Édouard Leurent was awarded the Prix de Thèse from the GDR MACS.
  • March 2021, Lille (France):
    Hackathon Biodimètre (Jury).
  • October 2020, Lille (France):
    Take a look at my video presentation at "Fête de la Science."
  • June 2020:
    After nearly 10 years reviewing for JMLR, now officially on the Editorial board of JMLR.
  • June 04, 2019, Amsterdam (Netherlands):
    Invited Speaker in Peter Grünwald’s group at Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI).
  • May 13-14, 2019, Besançon (France):
    Invited speaker at the Workshop on Empirical Processes and Applications to Statistics.
  • April 15, 2019, Okinawa (Japan):
    Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS).
  • March 22-24, 2019, Chicago (United-States):
    Presenting at the 30th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory.
  • March 07, 2019, Paris (France):
    Invited speaker at the 3rd non-stationary day, Institut Henry Poincaré.
  • February 14, 2019, Lille (France):
    Invited talk at Euratechnologies.
  • February 11, 2019, Lille (France):
    My habilitation defence 🙂 with Pierre Alquier, Peter Grünwald, Joëlle Pineau, Alexandre Proutière, Philippe Preux and Vianney Perchet.
  • November 12, 2018, Paris (France):
    Reunion APHP-CentraleSupelec-Inria at Inria Paris.
  • November 04-08, 2018, Sapporo and Tokyo (Japan):
    Invited Speaker at the 20th IBIS conference, Sapporo, and at RIKEN institute (Tokyo).
  • October 01-03, 2018, Lille (France):
    Invitation of Pr. Tze Leung Lai from Stanford University at the EWRL.
  • August, 2018, Montreal (Canada):
    Visit of Audrey Durand at McGill University.
  • June 22, 2018, Lille (France):
    Invited speaker at Journées Lilloises de Probabilités et Statistiques.
  • February 22, 2018, Paris (France):
    Invited speaker at LTCI, Telecom ParisTech.
  • February 20, 2018, Stockholm (Sweden):
    Invited opponent for the Jury of the PhD defence of Stefan Magureanu (supervised by A. Proutiere).
  • November 15, 2017, Lille (France):
    ANR BADASS M13 meeting.
  • November 10, 2017, Villeneuve d’Ascq (France):
    Invited talk at « 30 minutes de science », Inria.
  • October, 2017, Kyoto (Japan):
    Two papers at Algorithmic Learning Theory.
  • May 17, 2017, Orsay (France):
    Organization of a Workshop on Sequential Structured Statistical Learning at IHES.
  • January, 2017, Orsay (France):
    ANR BADASS Kick-off meeting.
  • November 11, 2016, Bangalore (India):
    Invited talk at Indian Institute of Science, ECE department.
  • August, 2016, France:
    Project ANR « BADASS » accepted.
  • July 13, 2016, Rennes (France):
    Invited researcher at Technicolor.
  • July 08, 2016, Villeneuve d’asccq (France):
    Jury at the PhD defence of Hadrien Glaude.
  • June 26 – July 07, 2016, Lancaster (UK):
    Invited researcher at Lancaster University.
  • June 03, 2016, Paris (France):
    Invited Speaker at GdR Isis.
  • May 09-11, 2016, Cadiz (Spain):
    AISTATS conference.
  • January 22, 2016, Rennes (France):
    Invited Speaker at ENSAI.
  • January 12, 2016, Lancaster (UK):
    Invited Speaker at the Bandits Workshop in Lancaster.
  • January 08, 2016, Orsay (France):
    Invited Speaker at journées Statistics/Learning at Paris-Saclay at IHES.


Below is a list of juries I was invited to:
  • September, 02, 2024, Toulouse (France):
    Jury CSI (reviewer) of Thomas Delliaux
  • August, 26, 2024, Saint-Denis (France):
    Jury CSI (examiner) of Frederick Fabre
  • July, 01, 2024, Paris (France):
    Jury PhD (reviewer) of David Brellmann
  • September, 2023, Lyon (France):
    Jury PhD (reviewer) of Antoine Barrier.
  • Spring, 2023, Lille (France):
    Jury MCF hiring committee of Université Lille.
  • May, 2021, online (France):
    Jury CR hiring committee of the Mathnum department at Inrae.
  • March 2021, Lille (France):
    Jury Project for Hackathon Biodimètre.
  • Spring, 2020, Lille (France):
    Jury CR hiring committee of Inria.
  • Spring, 2019, Lille (France):
    Jury CR hiring committee of Inria.
  • Spring, 2018, Lille (France):
    Jury CR hiring committee of Inria.
  • February 20, 2018, Stockholm (Sweden):
    Jury PhD (opponent) of Stefan Magureanu (supervised by A. Proutiere).
  • July 08, 2016, Villeneuve d’asccq (France):
    Jury PhD (examiner) of Hadrien Glaude.