- November, 19, 2024, Montpellier (France):Jury HDR (reviewer) of Alice Cleynen
- September, 25, 2024, Toulouse (France):Jury PhD (examiner) of David Delande
- September, 20, 2024, Montpellier (France):Jury PhD (examiner) of Tanguy Lefort
- September, 02, 2024, Toulouse (France):Jury CSI (reviewer) of Thomas Delliaux
- August, 26, 2024, Saint-Denis (France):Jury CSI (examiner) of Frederick Fabre
- July, 01, 2024, Paris (France):Jury PhD (reviewer) of David Brellmann
- September, 2023, Lyon (France):Jury PhD (reviewer) of Antoine Barrier.
- Spring, 2023, Lille (France):Jury MCF hiring committee of Université Lille.
- June, 24, 2021, Orsay (France):Jury PhD (reviewer) of Thibaut Cuvelier
- May, 2021, online (France):Jury CR hiring committee of the Mathnum department at Inrae.
- March 2021, Lille (France):Jury Project for Hackathon Biodimètre.
- December, 2020, Orsay (France):Jury PhD (reviewer) of Margaux Brégère
- October, 09, 2020, Paris (France):Jury PhD (examiner) of Robin Vogel
- Spring, 2020, Lille (France):Jury CR hiring committee of Inria.
- Spring, 2019, Lille (France):Jury CR hiring committee of Inria.
- Spring, 2018, Lille (France):Jury CR hiring committee of Inria.
- February 20, 2018, Stockholm (Sweden):Jury PhD (opponent) of Stefan Magureanu (supervised by A. Proutiere).
- July 08, 2016, Villeneuve d’asccq (France):Jury PhD (examiner) of Hadrien Glaude.
Journal and Conference Committees
Below is a list of review committees for international conferences and journals I participated in (PC: Program Committee, SPC: Senior Program Committee) from 2020 on.
Many conferences only use PC category, some started to use an additional SPC category only recently. I am part of the editorial board of JMLR.
To keep the list concise, I am not listing additional reviewing duties to workshops or national conferences.
December 2024Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 24-1612
March 2024Conference On Learning Theory (COLT), SPC, 3 articles.
February 2024Journal Mathematics of Operation Research (MOR)
January 2024Statistic and Probability Letters, 23-00600
November 2023Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 23-1007
November 2023Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), PC, 1 article
July 2023Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 23-0290
May 2023Journal The Annals of Statistics, 2210-026
April 2023Journal The Annals of Statistics, 2302-039
April 2023Journal Statistics and Computing
March 2023Conference On Learning Theory (COLT), PC, 3 articles.
March 2023International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), PC (emergency), 1 article
November 2022Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), PC, 4 articles
October 2022Journal The Annals of Statistics, 2204-026
June 2022Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 20-965
April 2022Journal Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.
March 2022International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), PC, 3 articles
July 2021Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), SPC (Area Chair)
July 2021Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
May 2021Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 21-0263
March 2021Conference On Learning Theory (COLT), PC, 5 articles.
March 2021International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), PC (Expert Reviewer) , 5 articles.
March 2021Journal Entropy, 1124329
November 2020Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), PC
October 2020Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 20-965
July 2020Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), PC, 6 articles
November 2019Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT), PC
Research Agencies Committees
Below is a list of research agencies reviews I was invited to:
- Nov, 2020Project reviewer for the French National Research Agency "ANR".
- Sptring, 2019Project reviewer for the Hungarian National Research Agency "OTKA".